Episode 82, in which we chat extensively about Death Valley with Rob Day

Between the last episode and this one, things in the United States have gotten pretty intense. I hope you are all safe and healthy and continue to be that way.

As much as is possible over the next couple of months, I’m going to try to increase the frequency of episodes – if nothing else, it will give us all something to do. Making an episode keeps me busy, and listening to it passes your time.

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Chasing the Horizon is sponsored by Dunlop Motorcycle Tires.

My guest on Episode 82 is Rob Day, one of the instructors working for RawHyde Adventures, which has training facilities in California and Colorado. Rob and I talk about what off-road-riding training can do for even an on-road-only rider, but perhaps the most fascinating part of the conversation is our lengthy tangent into Death Valley, where Rob has spent a good bit of time riding and camping over the years.

For more information on campgrounds in Death Valley, especially Stovepipe and Emigrant, both of which Rob mentions specifically, check out the Hikes Peak website (which will give you good info) and the Death Valley National Park website, which will tell you specifics (spoiler alert: as of this writing, they’re all closed).

The NPS website also has a page on the various resorts available in the park, and of course, you’ll want to check out Eater Las Vegas’ post on five restaurants to try in Death Valley.

At the top of the show, I mention a bunch of government health portals, so here’s links for you if you want to see what your government recommends as well as what other governments are recommending.

Of course I know not everybody listening to Chasing the Horizon lives in a country where English is widely spoken, so I hope you don’t think I’m leaving you out. Those were just some ones I could pull together quickly for this email and the show notes page.

I hope to see you out there on the road – or off it! – and sometime soon to boot. Ride safe.