Episode 125, in which Rally for Rangers co-founder Tom Medema puts park rangers on bikes

Welcome to Episode 124 of Chasing the Horizon, the podcast by, for and about motorcyclists. We take an in-depth look into the motorcycle industry in a way few other outlets do!

While at Overland Expo East (remember Episode 120 with Eva Rupert?) I came across Tom Medema from Rally for Rangers. He was fairly swamped with folks at his booth every time I walked by, so I left my business card and said, “Call me – I want to get the word out!”

He did, and now we’ve got the whole story behind Rally for Rangers for you – and more! Tune in now and subscribe to get Tom’s story and a whole host of other stories from motorcyclists all over the world.

A group of park rangers in Mongolia aided by Rally for Rangers.

Connect with Rally for Rangers on Facebook and using the #rallyforrangers hashtag on Instagram. You can also check out this press release from 2020 about R4R on motorcycle.com.

Thanks to webBikeWorld for funneling news our way, and be sure to check out their website for the latest motorcycle news and in-depth product reviews. Everything in this episode comes from their coverage of EICMA, including:

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